09:00-10:00 严超:Anhedonia in schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder: evidences from behavioral and imaging studies.
10:00-11:00王继堃:Family Functioning Assessed by Self-Reported and
Observer-Reported Ratings of Depressed Patients and Their Partners
11:00-13:00 午餐、休息
13:00-14:00王青🙏🏽:The exploration of coaching psychology in enquiry-based learning: A focus on relationship and communication
14:00-15:00胡楠荼🥷🏽:Executive control deficits in wandering minds: An examination of goal maintenance , active and reactive inhibition
15:00-15:30 茶歇
15:30-16:30周凡之:Momentary Conscious Pairing Eliminates Unconscious Influences on Choice Selections