

报告一:Cognitive Control and Associative Learning
报告人:Ian McLaren  (英国Exeter大学心理系教授)
In this talk I will introduce you to the Centre for Cognitive Control and Associative Learning (CCAL) that we have recently established at the University of Exeter.
After briefly describing the the work carried out by the Principal Investigators in CCAL, I will then give three examples from my own research, each chosen to illustrate an application of associative learning to another area of psychology. My first example will be human Pavlovian conditioning, in this case conditioned fear brought about by the pairing of a neutral CS ( a coloured shape) with a painful US (a shock). I will demonstrate that this type of conditioning is not always under our conscious control, and consider the implications for clinical interventions to treat phobias. My second example will be the application of associative learning to a control paradigm, in this case task-switching. I will show that the behaviour of human participants under instructions designed to avoid the induction of a task set leads to a pattern of performance quite different to that usually seen in these experiments. It is well predicted by a model of associative learning, however, and also seems to be in line with the performance of infra-humans on analogous tasks. My final example will be the application of an associative theory of perceptual learning to face recognition. Here, I will show that the face inversion effect can be explained (at least in part) in terms of the development of expertise with experience. In all three cases I will draw on computational modelling to inform my argument, and other techniques commonly used in cognitive neuroscience such as SCR measurement and ERPs to provide additional data.
报告二🎹:Cognitive and neural mechanisms of action control and the link with monetary decision-making when gambling
报告人🔋:Frederick Verbruggen  (英国Exeter大学心理系高级讲师)
Flexible behaviour and decision-making require an executive control system that oversees subordinate processes and intervenes when the environment changes or when outcomes become suboptimal. Impairments in executive control can lead to maladaptive behaviour because irrelevant actions are not inhibited. Similarly, less supervision by the executive system can lead to impaired decision-making because suboptimal or risky choices are not suppressed. Such control impairments feature centrally across the spectrum of psychiatric disorders, including ADHD, substance abuse and pathological gambling. In the first part of my presentation, I will give a brief overview of our work on how people stop motor responses. In the second part, I will present findings suggesting that response inhibition can directly influence monetary decision-making in a gambling task, and more generally, that there is a link between different levels of executive control.

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