教育经历2017🏌️,英国格拉斯哥大学(公派)🧙🏽,博士 2013,意昂4娱乐基础心理学,硕士 2010,意昂4娱乐应用心理学🔣,学士 工作经历2023-至今,意昂4娱乐副教授 2017-2022🙍🏿♀️,意昂4娱乐晨晖学者 2016-2017, 英国格拉斯哥大学博士后研究院 个人简介社会兼职研究方向本人研究领域为进化、社会与决策心理学,主要关注激素水平对社会行为与偏好的影响机制🏊🏻、面孔的社会认知加工以及择偶偏好,用实证方法探究人类复杂的择偶过程和认知机制🧑🤝🧑。 招生与培养开授课程实验心理学 心理学实验设计 科研项目中国自然科学基金青年项目,2020-2022 中国博士后科学基金第63批面上项目,2018-2020 上海市浦江人才计划项目,2018-2020 意昂4娱乐人文社会科学海外发文项目👧🏽,2018-2021 学术成果1. Wang, H., Li, J., Chen, L., & He, L. (2022). Do Women’s Natural Hormonal Fluctuations Modulate Prosociality? A Within-subject Analysis. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 138, 105663. 2. Wang, H., Ma, J., & He, L. (2022). Value-directed information search in partner choice. Judgment and Decision Making, 17(6), 1287-1312. 3. Wang, H., He, Z., & He, L. (2021). Transitive mate preferences. Decision, 8(3), 180-201. 4. Wang, H., Han, C., Hahn, A. C., Fasolt, V., Morrison, D. K., Holzleitner, I. J., ... & Jones, B. C. (2019). A data-driven study of Chinese participants' social judgments of Chinese faces. Plos one, 14(1), e0210315. 5. Zhang, L., Wang, H., Lee, A. J., DeBruine, L. M., & Jones, B. C. (2019). Chinese and UK participants' preferences for physical attractiveness and social status in potential mates. Royal Society open science, 6(11), 181243. 6. Lei, N., Wang, H., Han, C., DeBruine, L. M., & Jones, B. C. (2019). The influence of facial femininity on Chinese and White UK women’s jealousy. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 5(1), 109-112. 7. Han, C., Wang, H., Hahn, A. C., Fisher, C. I., Kandrik, M., Fasolt, V., ... & Jones, B. C. (2018). Cultural differences in preferences for facial coloration. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39(2), 154-159. 8. Han C, Wang H, Fasolt V, Hahn AC, Holzleitner IJ, DeBruine LM, Feinberg DR & Jones BC (2018). No clear evidence for correlations between handgrip strength and sexually dimorphic acoustic properties of voices. American Journal of Human Biology.30(6). 9. Jones BC, Hahn AC, Fisher C, Wang H, Kandrik M, Han C, Fasolt V, Morrison DK, Lee A, Holzleitner IJ, O'Shea KJ, Roberts SC, Little AC & DeBruine LM (2018). No compelling evidence that preferences for facial masculinity track changes in women's hormonal status. Psychological Science, 29(6):996-1005. 10. Jones BC, Hahn AC, Fisher C, Wang H, Kandrik M, Han C, Lee A, Holzleitner IJ & DeBruine LM (2018). No compelling evidence that more physically attractive young adult women have higher estradiol or progesterone. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 98, 1-5. 11. Jones BC, Hahn AC, Fisher C, Wang H, Kandrik M, Lee A, Tybur JM & DeBruine LM (2018). Hormonal correlates of pathogen disgust: Testing the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis. Evolution and Human Behavior, 39, 166-169. 12. Jones BC, Hahn AC, Fisher C, Wang H, Kandrik M & DeBruine LM (2018). General sexual desire, but not desire for uncommitted sexual relationships, tracks changes in women's hormonal status. Psychoneuroendocrinology,88:166-169. 13. Morrison DK, Wang H, Hahn AC, Jones BC & DeBruine LM (2017). Predicting the reward value of faces and bodies from social perceptions. PLoS One, 12(9): e0185093. 14. Wang, H., Hahn, A. C., DeBruine, L. M., & Jones, B. C. (2016). Do partnered women discriminate men's faces less along the attractiveness dimension?. Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 153-156. 15. Wang, H., Hahn, A. C., DeBruine, L. M., & Jones, B. C. (2016). The motivational salience of faces is related to both their valence and dominance. PloS one, 11(8), e0161114. 16. Wang, H., Hahn, A. C., Fisher, C. I., DeBruine, L. M., & Jones, B. C. (2014). Women's hormone levels modulate the motivational salience of facial attractiveness and sexual dimorphism. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 50, 246-251. 17. Guo, X., Jiang, S., Wang, H., Zhu, L., Tang, J., Dienes, Z., & Yang, Z. (2013). Unconsciously learning task-irrelevant perceptual sequences. Consciousness and Cognition, 22(1), 203-211. 18. Guo, X., Zheng, L., Wang, H., Zhu, L., Li, J., Wang, Q., ... & Yang, Z. (2013). Exposure to violence reduces empathetic responses to other’s pain. Brain and Cognition, 82(2), 187-191. 荣誉及奖励 |