International Workshop on Cross-linguistic Databases and Norms
May 31 – June 1, 2025
Shanghai, China
Organizers: Language Specialty Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society; East China Normal University;
Co-Organizer: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University , NYU Shanghai
Sponsor: IREAD Foundation, Shenzhen
The study of language and cognition increasingly relies on cross-linguistic data to understand language processing, representation, and acquisition. The debate on universality vs. cultural specificity of language and cognition has continued to this day, making large-scale cross-linguistic databases and norms crucial for uncovering both universal and language-specific mechanisms.
A collection of high-quality linguistic databases has already been established across various languages. These databases not only lay the foundation for evaluating and measuring language abilities and acquisition levels, but also provide new perspectives on typical and atypical language development, offering crucial support for researchers exploring the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying language capacity.
However, challenges persist, including the lack of overarching design frameworks, data variability, linguistic diversity, and the need for standardization. Additionally, large language models (LLMs) provide new resources and tools for exploring linguistic universality and specificity, while also introducing fresh opportunities and challenges for the development and application of databases and norms.
The InternationalWorkshopon Crosslinguistic Databases and Norms brings together leading experts from cognitive science, psychology, linguistics, computational modeling, and natural language processing to address these challenges. It aims to create a platform for idea exchange and collaboration, fostering the strategic design of cross-linguistic databases, sharing innovative datasets, and discussing methodologies. It will focus on the development, maintenance, and application of cross-linguistic data resources, with a special reference to Chinese. We hope that this workshop will provide a forum for propelling interdisciplinary research in this field.
The topics of this workshop include (but not limited to):
•Construction and application of language databases
•Open science and data sharing in cross-linguistic contexts (with special reference to Chinese)
•Design and alignment of cross-linguistic databases: Opportunities and challenges
•Large Language Models (LLMs) and human language processing
•Interdisciplinary collaboration and methodological innovation
Organizing Committee:
Qing Cai, East China Normal University
Ping Li, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Luan Li, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Keynote Speakers
Marc Brysbaert, Ghent University
Brian MacWhinney, Carnegie Mellon University
Uri Hasson, Princeton University
Ping Li, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Li-Hai Tan, Shenzhen Institute of Neuroscience
Hualou Liang, Drexel University
Chen Yu, The University of Texas at Austin
Simon De Deyne, The University of Melbourne
Melvin Yap, National University of Singapore
Cynthia Siew, National University of Singapore
Hong Li, Beijing Normal University
Qing Cai, East China Normal University
Xu Xu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Xingshan Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhenghan Qi, Northeastern University
Li Sheng, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Meeting Registration and Abstract Submissions
Registration Deadline: 30 April 2025 at 23:59 UTC (Shanghai Time)
Submissions Close: 20 April, 2025
The workshop invites submissions for posters. Registration for the workshop is also open to those who wish to attend but do not submit a presentation. To attend the workshop, you need to pay a registration fee. All fees are in RMB.
Student 800 RMB
Postdoc 800 RMB
Regular 1500 RMB
We welcome contributions from researchers working on any language(s) and encourage submissions that address methodological innovations, theoretical implications, and interdisciplinary applications in the following areas:
•Development and standardization of language databases
•Norming studies across languages and populations
•Open science and data sharing in cross-linguistic contexts
•Large Language Models (LLMs) and human language processing
Submission Guidelines
Submissions should include:
•Abstract (maximum 250 words)
•Author names and affiliations
Abstracts should clearly outline the research question, methods, key findings (if available). Submissions must be in English and formatted as a Word document.
Please submit your abstract via email <> with the subject line: FirstAuthor_WorkshopSubmission.
Key Dates
Call for Submissions Open: 17 February, 2025
Submissions Close: 20 April, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: 30 April, 2025
Registration Deadline: 30 April, 2025
Cancellation Deadline for Full Refund: 25 May, 2025
Workshop Venue
The workshop will be held at East China Normal University, located at 3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China
For inquiries, please contact < E-mail to >